Frontend backend
Backend or frontend are age long career paths. It honestly just depends on where your preferences lies. In recent years we’ve even seen the shift of paradigm. With client becoming more and more powerful each day, some of the features that previously seemed like they must be on the server are starting to hit clients or “frontend”. In the same time backends are becoming more powerful and getting some significant improvements too. Honestly who knows what the future holds for us?
We’ve decided to go a bit different with this month’s developer tees.
Since current trends in tech are replicating between front and back, our tees will be similar, but at the same time different.
In our opinion this will be our best release so far, but we are curious about your feedback.
At the end of the day your opinion, and not ours is what counts.
Let’s remind ourselves of the quote: “First solve the problem, and then decide where should the code be”.
Released Manifestos
1. Frontend engineering
2. Backend engineering